
My Slide Show

Thursday 31 March 2011

My Hobby - Singing

Good morning my friends, as I said before in my previous post 1 of the things I love to do since I was young was to sing. I just love to sing. I don't really care if I sounded good or not but as long as I get to sing. I have entered a few competitions and shows before this since kindergarten to Elementary School, High School and working days. Whenever I sing all the stress in me just goes away. It just feels good when the rhythm just lets your mood flow away smoothly. 

 this is me trying to sing....hahaha

me playing my violin....i have always loved music.....

A few years back, a friend of mine taught me how to sing. Trained me the skills on how to get your own voice, to control your voice and the techniques of singing. It was good training for me cause ever since that I think I have become a bit better than before. Before this my voice was like everywhere but now I managed to control my voice. 

My favourite karaoke place is Red Box, IOI Mall. You guys want to know why? Well it's because the food is good there and it's variety. Also, convenient to go there and the sound system is better than the other Red Box venues. At Red Box karaoke it is private so if you want to dance and sing your heart no one will really notice. 1 thing that I hope will change in Red Box is that the personnel would not just come in interrupt us and made me stop  singing and lose concentration. I was pissed if this happens. Well actually it did happen to me all the time. here is a video of me singing Matahariku and see the waiter interrupt me. Hope you guys like it. Enjoy!!

So, what do you guys think? did you guys like it? Here are more of my photos. 

 me and Wanie comel

me singing

Hope to be writing more soon for you guys. Please leave your comments here. Thank you!!


  1. nanti boleh kita p karoke same2...

  2. hey along, awak suka karaoke jugak ke? kalau camtu kita plan pergi ke genting dan karaoke skali la ya. X sabar nih!! :)

  3. bersemangat beb...
    not bad.

  4. yeah bersemangat sekali. hehehe :)
