
My Slide Show

Sunday 27 March 2011

My Diary - 26/3/2011

Well today 26/3/2011 is a Saturday. It's a holiday for me. So I continued with my Blog, FB and etc.....I woke up quite early today at around 9.00pm brushed my teeth, washed my face and went downstairs to have mee goreng for breakfast that my mom cooked. Then after that I watched American Idol. There were only 11 contestants left. Well my favourite was definitely Pia. She has a great voice. However, it was rather shocking when Casey was at the bottom and was voted out of the competition. Then he had to sing for his life in front of the judges and they stopped him from singing halfway. Why?? Because the judges didn't need him to perform because they already know who he is and his potential in singing. I do agree with the judges though. Casey does have a great voice and he should be given another shot at it. Anyway, after that I went back into my room and started Blogging and going on Facebook. Took a shower after that and got ready to go out with my sayang to watch Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa. My brother sent me to the comuter station at UKM. I went on the comuter and then took the Kelana Jaya LRT at KL Sentral. There wasn't that many people in the LRT coz there were still some seats available. There was these group of girls who were staring at me. I don't know why, but maybe because I looked like a Malaysian artist....hehehe....These girls were like talking outloud and moving here and there in the LRT. I guess they were just trying to get people's attention. They still look young, maybe students. I reached Kelana Jaya LRT and called my sayang to pick me up. He was supposed to pick me up at the back road behind the LRT station. When I went there he was still not there and I am not going to stand there alone. Ohh Hell no! Nanti kena rompak camne? Ish takuttt.....Dulu pernah kena kat Mines dah serik takut kena lagi. Then my sayang suruh I tunggu kat opposite side of the LRT station. So i waited there for another 15 minutes. Adusss, lamanya....

Then he finally arrived and picked me up. Then kita terus ke 1 Utama. We were not able to purchase the 9pm ticket but we got the 11.20pm ticket. So after that we went to have dinner at Fish & Co. Sedapnyer. Dahlah tengah lapar giler finally dapat makan macam heaven. After dinner we went to MPH to check out some books. I was looking for the book called "Secrets" tapi tak jumpa plak. 

Dah habis kat MPH kita decide to go to the arcade main game Daytona. 2 game main, dua-dua game aku kalah. huhuhu. Lepas main Daytona tinggal 2 saje coins, so kita main basketball. Syoklah tapi asyik tak masuk je. Bola tu terlalu bouncy. Hahahaha!!

Selepas habis main game kami masuk tengok wayang. cerita yang sangat best dan sedih buat saya menangis. habis sahaja tengok wayang kami terus balik rumah dalam keadaan kereta saya yang brake tak makan. Saya terpaksa drive balik ke Bangi sangat slow sekali. Rasa macam berjam je nak sampai ke rumah. Then saya sampai je rumah saya sambung dengan Blog dan FB. Itupun sekejap je sebab sampai rumah dalam 2.30am. Gila pagi dah tu. Selepas itu saya terus tidur. Selamat Malam semua.....saya dah ngantuk.....yawnnnn..... Kita sambung lagi esok ya.

Jangan lupa, tinggalkan comment anda dibawah ya. Terima kasih. :)


  1. emm brake keta ko mmg bocor lah tu kot... uhuhuh duit lagi .. takpe beb sabar ..dugaan
